Cuttings If you want the best results from cutting propagation, you really need to pay attention to selecting the appropriate technique for the time of year, and type of plant you are growing.  Different tissues have varying abilities to sprout roots and shoots and turn into a new plant....(Excerpt from page) Click to read more
Equipment Needed to Propagate Plants You will greatly improve your success in propagation by using the appropriate equipment and materials for the job....(Excerpt from page) Click to read more
How do you Breed a Rose Not all roses cross breed easily. Some roses are infertile or almost infertile, e.g. due to a low amount of available pollen. For multi-petalled roses, e.g. centifolias, anthers have been replaced by petals, resulting in a reduced amount of pollen....(Excerpt from page) Click to read more
How to Choose What Plants to Grow in a Nursery Perhaps the most important question for a nursery manager is: "What should I grow?" If you select the most appropriate varieties and grow the right quantities you will reduce wastage and maximise profits. It is all very well to grow a plant because you like it, or because you think you can get the public excited about it, but the backbone of the nursery industry has always been a range of very popular plants which, if grown well and sold in the right way at the right time, will always find a market....(Excerpt from page) Click to read more
Nursery Industry Future | Online Career Training If you think the nursery industry has problems you’re not wrong - but 48 years in this industry has taught me that having problems is normal. Everything is constantly changing: new discoveries, new ways of approaching problems, changes to the environment, even economics - all drive that change and impact on what we propagate and the methods we use....(Excerpt from page) Click to read more
Propagating Plants from seed With a little knowledge and the right equipment, it's easy to propagate plants from seed. Seed is generally the most straight forward method to propagate plants; but for commercial production it is not always the most appropriate. Your choice of propagation method should be determined by the type of plant you are propagating. For vegetables, annual flowers and some other plants, seed may be the ideal technique, but for others, a seedling does not produce a plant that is the same as it's parent (in which case other techniques need to be used)....(Excerpt from page) Click to read more
Propagating Proteas, Leucadendron and Leucospermum Proteas are easy to get started from seed. Plants cultivated from seed always vary; this can be used to advantage if you have the time and patience to select the most beautiful and vigorous individuals and then multiplying them by cuttings....(Excerpt from page) Click to read more
Propagating Semi Hardwood Cuttings Semi hardwood cuttings are taken when a plant has finished its growth rush for the year. The wood is firm, but not really hard. These are sometimes called half-ripe cuttings, semi-ripe or green wood cuttings. In contrast, softwood cuttings come from tissue that is soft (usually spring growth), and hardwood cuttings come from older, harder wood (usually taken in winter). ...(Excerpt from page) Click to read more
Propagation & Nursery The nursery production industry is the foundation for all horticulture. It produces the plants that home gardeners buy, that landscapers use to build their gardens and that crop growers plant and nurture to produce their crops.  Without the skill of propagating and proliferating large numbers of plants, all other sectors of the horticulture industry would collapse....(Excerpt from page) Click to read more
What is Sub Irrigation Sub irrigation involves water soaking up into the bottom of plant pots or trays. Such capillary watering supplies a constant supply of water to plants without needing to wet the foliage. The number of times water needs to be applied is reduced to however often the supply below the plants needs to be replenished. There are several ways in which water is supplied to pots through capillary irrigation....(Excerpt from page) Click to read more

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