
Ixora include around 400 species from the Rubiaceae family.
Appearance: Shrubs or trees with deep green large leaves when grown in shade and light green if exposed to full sun.
Flowers: Clustered heads of tubular flowers in various colours.
Features: Brilliant flower clusters.
Requirements: Fertile and neutral soil pH preferred. Do not allow soil to dry out. Tropical to warm temperate. Best in part sun.

Culture: prune to thicken the plant specimen, control pests, feed annually and water regularly, propagating by seed may be slow, propagates easy from cuttings or aerial layers.

Pest & Disease: Insects can be a mild to medium problem (ie. caterpillars, or scale & mealy bugs may lead to sooty mould).

Species & Varieties:

I. chinensis - A shrub to about 1m tall, flowers white, pink, yellow or orange, slow growing, leaves with short petioles and bases which do not clasp the stem.

I. coccinea (Flame of The Woods, Jungle Flame) - A shrub 1.5 to 2m tall, glossy dark green foliage, flowers commonly red but sometimes orange to yellow; stalkless leaves with broad bases which almost clasp the stem, best in full sun.

I. finlaysoniana - Thailand native, fragrant white flowers, shallow roots, sometimes propagated by suckers.

I. javanica - Shrub or small tree to 8m tall, faster growing than some other species, large orange flower heads to 18cm diameter, tolerate slight shade, large leaves with conspicuous petioles and narrow bases.

I. macrothyrsa (Jungle Flame) - Large bright scarlet flower heads, glossy green leaves, flowers and bark sometimes used medicinally.

I. odorata - A small shrub with large oval shaped leaves and scented flowers on purple stalks.

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Tropical Plants Course:  http://www.hortcourses.com/courses/tropical-plants-bht234-404.aspx

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