Growing Plans Inside Your House

There is no such thing as an “indoor plant”. All plants occur naturally out of doors; but some will tolerate indoors better than others.

Indoor plants are simply plants that we have found to be adaptable to an indoor environment.

Usually an inside environment will differ from an outside one in the following ways:

It has lower light intensities

It is warmer in winter and cooler in summer

In some rooms (eg. kitchen, bathroom, laundry) humidity can get high

The balance of gases in the air is different. (Gas heaters and air conditioning are particularly damaging to plants).

The rate of watering is influenced by temperature, light, potting mix type, humidity, air movement and rate of plant growth. It is almost impossible to keep to a regular timetable. The old saying "WATER ONCE A WEEK" is not always correct.


Usually temperate climate plants that are used indoors are hardy (when grown in temperate climate houses).

Some plants need to be alternated between an indoor and outdoor position (eg. cyclamen, ferns, asparagus fern etc).


However, never take a plant from one environment and plunge it straight into another environment that is an extreme contrast; the move could be too much of a shock.

For example, it is better to move your ferns outside in summer and place them in a protected spot under a big tree, this way the change will only be minor.

Avoid placing indoor plants in a cold draught from outside, or near to a gas heater or air conditioning vent.


Temperatures should not drop below 5 degrees C for the less hardy indoor plants (even overnight). Place the more "exotic" tropical plants in a more humid room such as a bathroom. Low light intensity areas should be avoided for most indoor plants.


Indoor plants which adapt to low light:

Aglaonema, Brassaia (Umbrella Tree), Aspidistra, Bromeliads, Fatshedera, Ferns, Ivy, Kentia Palm, Maranta, Monsteria, Philodendron, Pothos, Sansevieria.

Indoor plants which require bright light:

Begonia (flowering types), Cacti, Caladium, Coleus, Croton, Cyclamen, Saintpaulia (African violet), succulents.

Plants which must be moved outside occasionally:

Aucuba, Azalea, Bamboo, Chlorophytum, Fatshedera, Ivy, Zebrina, Monstera, Ficus, Philodendron scandens, Maidenhair Ferns, Maranta, Jade Plant, Bromeliads, Ferns (in general).

Indoor plants which grow well with no heat in winter if inside in a temperate or warm climate:

Aspidistra, Billbergia, Cissus, Chlorophytum, Fatshedera, Ivy, Zebrina, Monstera, Ficus, Philodendron scandens, Maranta, Jade Plant, most ferns, Asparagus fern.

Indoor plants for a dry atmosphere:

Achmea, Bromeliads, Clivea, Chlorophytum, Calathea, Pilea, Ceropegia, Cacti and succulents.


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